Saturday, December 17, 2011


Quality #2? Not exactly sure. In class we did a still life of a real skull with ribs sticking in its eyes and mouth. Of course I left out some ribs to make it easier for myself. All in all it is just pencil and white pencil on grey paper. 

"Shattered Screams"

Concentration #2. This image of the woman screaming is from the movie, Psycho. I then took what I drew in charcoal and cut up the pieces so that it would look like shattered glass. 

"Through the Magnifying Glass"

Okay, quality #2/concentration #1. It is a still life drawing of a few clamps holding a magnifying  glass in front of a mannequin hand. My concentration is distortion so as you can see, the hand is being distorted as I look through the magnifying glass. Pencil on paper with the highlight of red colored pencil. 16" x 20"

"Hair Pulling is a Crime"

This is the first "quality" drawing of 5 for the AP portfolio. Finished it this year, 2011. Basically it is a picture of my hair, french-braided, being pulled by a fellow classmate. I had to have the hair interacting with something for it to be considered AP-quality worthy. Pencil on paper, 16" x 20"

"Below Lady Liberty"

As you can see, this is the statue of liberty from below. I finished this painting last year (2011) and it is 8 feet by 6 feet, aka much bigger than I am. It is all acrylic paint, black, white and blue.  