Monday, November 22, 2010

Hand Painting.

i painted my hand. woo. my fingers are supposed to be bones and the rest is obviously a sky. i got carried away. it's just acrylic paint on my hand!


really nothing much to say. this is a painting of a sky the white bulb thing in the bottom right is the sun.. and everything else are clouds. acrylic on canvas. ta da.

Finished John John Painting

this is the completed work of my john john kennedy painting in which he is saluting his father. i used charcoal on top of paint. i left his face blank but with shadows of his face because it implied there should be something there but in the end there isn't anything definite.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

John John Kennedy Saluting His Father, JFK

this is my version of the famous picture of john john kennedy saluting his father. this is what i worked on today, so it is obviously not finished. i used a 16 x 20 canvas and dripped blue paint in the background and am adding john john using charcoal and white paint (highlights). enjoy!